Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lefua In Lebialem

The hottest publication currently off our press is LEFUA IN LEBIALEM: Decline or Transformation. Have you read the book? Do you need a copy. Check out the reviews from or

You will enjoy the views of each of the 17 contributors to this volume. Happy reading!

Lefua In Lebialem provides a rare insight to the universe of Lebialem at the dawn of the 21st century. Reflections and analyses in the book include a diagnosis of the decline of Nweh cultural institutions and the fundamental problems behind the decline. The book documents the concepts of greetings, births, naming, marriage, and death in the good old days.
It explores the role of Lebialem traditional leaders and how the culture is imagined and viewed. The ancestor’s were anxious about “what will happen to their home after they are gone!” The volume puts forward arguments that are both about analyzing the concept of culture, and about the positions and politics of such analyses. There are serious questions staring Lebialem in the face today. This is one of the best treasures on Lebialem culture you will ever have.

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