Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kangen Water for Better Health

Alkaline Water for Better Health

The advantages of alkaline-water are supported by experience, by numerous doctors, and by scientists. Bottle or tap water quality varies tremendously and may not be healthy or safe for drinking. You need water with a positive pH level. Most bottle or tap water has a neutral pH level of 7.

The most effective way to boost your pH level and your health is to drink alkaline or kangen water. The word "Kangen" in Japan, means "return to origin," and it is a marketing term used by Enagic to promote its brand of ALKALINE or ionizer water.

Good water should be: oxygenated, high in electrically charged ionic minerals and pure. Unfortunately, municipal water and even bottled water may have impurities, such as heavy metals, arsenic, pesticides, radon, chlorine, and pharmaceutical wastes. You want to drink water with no trace of toxins. An Enagic machine filters harmful chemicals out of tap water, and through the process of ionization produces alkaline water. The water can be used for various purposes including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning

A dehydrated body loses its ability to function well, and when enzymes slow down, the body becomes an acid environment for viruses to thrive. Due to the standard American diet, stress and many other factors, most people that experience ill health have an overly acidic body that is the breeding ground for pathogens, disease and sickness. While eating an alkaline diet can be challenging, drinking Kangen water is the easiest and most effective way to raise your pH and heal and energize your body. Bottle and tap water, soda, and some of the foods we eat are acidic. Quality, not just quantity matters! Drink enough alkaline, ionized, and oxygenated, water, and you will be well on your way to better health.

You have probably heard that you need to drink about eight glasses of water daily. Drinking acidic water contributes to an acidic system, and that can cause low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches and pains, and even more serious disorders. Plus, an acidic environment is a perfect breeding ground for microorganisms, which can further compromise your health. Healthy cells are rich in oxygen and are hydrated (contain enough water). Because the human body is made up of more than 70% water, cells that are not hydrated and do not contain enough oxygen provide an environment for diseases such as cancer, heart, liver, lung, and kidney disease, including colon and digestive problems.

Kangen water provides many health benefits. It keeps the body properly hydrated and assists with colon function.   Please, consult experts on the benefits of alkaline water and foods. Become an informed consumer by seeking out more information from established Independent Distributor ID# 5102585. I will be happy to share more with you as most of good news about Enagic is shared by word of mouth.  You may also testify to the facts if you are knowledgeable about kangen water.

Google “kangen or alkaline water” for more information

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ … PMID: 8758404

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